zondag 30 juli 2023


When @bokkyhome called for testers for her #bokkybag I knew that I had to make a card weaving strap based on the antler. In this blog you get an idea of how to do this yourself. It is not a complete instruction to card weaving, if you want to dive in this technique start with Elewys' channel.
You can buy a loom and cards, or make them yourself. The one in the front is just a simple, but working loom. That's how I started. In my Dutch blog I wrote about my 'low budget looms'.
You can use (fishing) swivels, rubbers band, elastic cords etc. to adjust the tension of your threads. I also use knitting items, zpagetti yarn and what ever I can find in my house.
Threading of the yarn / starting position. I have a difficulty to understand the ABCD threading, so I use Up/Down, Back/Front. This is how you see it from above. The diagonal lines are the way the cards are placed (S / Z). There are two border cards on both sides and 8 pattern cards (P1 - 8).
Border cards, two on each side. One with grey yarn, one with white yarn (background color of the pattern). The white yarn is threaded the opposite of the grey yarn. You will get a V on both sides of your strap. Make sure the ends are (almost) even. You need 4x grey and 4x white (or other colors).
Pattern threading. I cut pieces of 1.5 meter and ended up with straps of 52 and 55 cm. For the pattern you need 4x red and 12x white (or other contrasting colors). Thread them as you see in the images and put them on the knitting needle. This way you get a flat start, which makes it easier to attach the strap(s) to the bag.
The acturally weaving. There are 5 steps:
1. Thread the yarn (between the upper and lower part, images 1 and 4), leave a loop on the side
2. Flip cards (depending on where you are in the pattern) - images after the pattern chart
3. Turn the cards, top side away from you (second image), until the next side is up
4. Beat the yarn (images 3 and 5)
5. Pull the yarn to make the loop dissapear (6th image)
I used two pieces of yarn to create a longer image
Pattern for the impala, or 'bokkie'.
You can use the forward / backward turning, but I prefer to flip. This way the cards are in line with the pattern and there is less chance on mistakes.
The "F" indicates that you have to flip a card.
I have added red and green labels on my cards to be able to track a pattern. With this pattern you will always have all the red labels up together. Same for the green labels.
The "R" is where the pattern repeats itself.

The first four turnings are easy, no flipping yet. When you have done four turns, the red labels will be up again ("R" line) and you have to flip all the pattern cards.
Then after two turns the green labels will be up and you have to flip P2 - 6.
Again two turns, red up, flip P1 and P8.
Two turns, green up, flip P3 - 7.
Two turns, red up, flip P3 - 7.
Now you are back in the starting position => four turns without flipping
Flipping the cards means to rotate them clockwise or anti clockwise. The same side stays up as you can see in the middle image. This is the "R" line. All pattern cards changed direction in the image on the right.
I finished my straps with single crochet stitches on both sides - with a small hook. Since they weren't the same size and not long enough for backpack straps I improvised with my regular magic wand.

Reel of the finished backpackbokkybag

Have fun weaving

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